It does matter

I lie, I deny
But I don't know why
It does matter
Sweetheart its the little things
which matter
I try to overlook the miniscule
But they always leave a stain,
between the cups and the plates
Always a cobweb in the corner
Yes it does matter

You say its pointless to talk about it
You don't care, you don't need it
This obtuse way of feeling
Bland complaining you call it
But it does matter
Yes it does matter to me


Sparkling said...

Yes, it does matter. I understand totally.

Joy deep Majumder said...

"I try to overlook the miniscule
But they always leave a stain,
between the cups and the plates
Always a cobweb in the corner"

Absolutley beautiful!!

Its amazing how even the lifes subtle affairs can evoke such strong emeotions in us..when put across in subtler yours are.....

D Writer said...

Still, Blue Kite,

I wonder why people dont make the effort now...little things matter so much...a line written somewhere also matters, but no you have to take the shortcut browse the net and take a print out...


Sparkling said...

Is that the copywriter talking?

D Writer said...

not really...:D its just the copywriter writing
