
I tried telling myself it’s over
Smiled that happy smile
Which said, “Shut up liar”
I felt it coming
Running hot through my veins
Deep inside the crevices
Must be their filthy mind
On second thoughts it isn’t filthy
Lol coz’ it isn’t dere
I think a hellva lot
And then think why do I think hellva lot??
I fail to find the music in life
Live in semi-deaf madness
And there you sit in a corner doing nothing about it
Life set in a shoe box
A nano hole to through which to see & regret
what could have been
Stiff suffocation for a roommate
Dwarfed hopes and malnourished emtions
Hours & days to live minus life
U said ‘no’
And bled to death
I sprinkled the seeds of little madness
It grew up into a full blown tree
And ate me up one day
You and I went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
I fell down and broke my crown
You felt sad
Went little mad, when you saw me dead
Sometime later people said
You found some water
And lived happily ever after
You walked on unsteady feet
Wobble bobble
Damned love, stand confident!
I beat you like mad
And said, “Will you love me now forever?”
The signboard said,
“Don’t disturb”
And still you came barging in
With your awful heart
You kissed me dead
Threw me in the ravines
A crow came and ate my love
Volatile winds beat my mind
Bring the fire extinguisher
Less I scorch your face
Running running
Between tyres and papers
Squeezed in a little happiness
We both sat
on the crocodile bench
You bought me a Barbie
And called me baby baby
I banged it on your head
And said screw you
I protested write poems to me
Sure he gave a reaction
His ‘have you lost it’ look
I said,
“Psycho it’s my turn to be depressed”
He laughed his silvery gurgle “Ya right”
It’s turning yellow
Stale and diseased
From the soft blush of the morning sky
To the rosy insides of hope
To the hues of tipsy red passion

Poor ol’ love is turning stale yellow
It’s time, to press the refresh button


Sparkling said...

Hmmmm...what can I say? After a long time...had to do some soul searching kya? :)

The picture of 'shorts' as opposed to the title is indeed a novel idea and almost baffling at the same time :D

Each of them made me smile, don't ask me why...

'Volatile winds beat my mind
Bring the fire extinguisher
Less I scorch your face' - So like a woman's wrath!

Scattered Thoughts... said...

hey.. that was nice.. and your new header image rocks :)

Umananda Kalita said...

Deep, intriguing and stimulating...Borhiya dei:)

D Writer said...
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D Writer said...

Not soul searching... just went blank...
I think the shorts are damn cute...
Considering the things I have written in the post...which are neither here nor there...neither prose nor poetry... I think it was perfect

Scattered Thoughts...
Tnx..Even I love the image

tnx dude for motivating me too write...M trying to come out of the 'no writing mode' even though it it crap mostly

P.S. That night I tried to write about the so called seasonal change...Couldn't